Need some inspiration or guidance?

Links to crochet patterns: 
(the above pattern makes a 5” square, just do a few more repeats before the final edging to make the final piece a 10” x  10” square)
(the above link has 18 differnt crochet square patterns worked from the center out, again, just continue repeats until the square measures 10” x 10”)

Links to knitting patterns: 
(the above link is to a project where the makers created 10” x 10” squares in both knititng and crochet)

Sewn works can be backed or unbacked, machine or hand stitched with the only guidance being to leave a 1/2” border around the piece relatively blank of embellishment as I will be punching holes to add a crocheted egde. This is done to be able to seam the pieces together. 

All Images © Alyza Perez